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iOS 11 Does Not Let Users Turn off Bluetooth or WiFi from Control Center

iOS 11's new, customisable Control Center doesn't let users turn off their Bluetooth or WiFi radios - and it's completely intentional behaviour built into iOS 11.
Swiping up into the Control Center and then tapping on the WiFi or Bluetooth toggle allows users to disconnect from the connected WiFi network, however, iOS 11 still keeps the actual WiFi and Bluetooth radio on. This is done in order to ensure that users don't accidentally lose AirDrop functionality, disconnect their Apple Watch, and don't break any services that depend on these wireless connections to work.
While this may be a good change, as far as ensuring users don't mess up their own devices is concerned, it's also a potential security risk. Leaving Bluetooth and WiFi on opens devices up to a plethora of possible attacks.

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